Love Live School Idol Festival

UwU, Historically Impactful!

UwU! Hewwo thewe! Do you wuv anime? Awe you weady for a kawaii and fun time? Then you gotta pway Love Wive Schoow Idow Festivaw! It's a game of wuv, fwiendship, and passion that's gonna make you sing and dance for joy! The characters awe so adowable and the music is so catchy you'll be humming it foweva! OwO! Plus, the gameplay is wike, super engaging! You can collect and twain your fave idows and show off your skills in live shows and events. And did I mention the stunning graphics? You'll feel wike you're in the game! :3 But wait, there's more! Love Wive Schoow Idow Festivaw has tons of inside jokes and memes that fans wuv, wike the infamous Nico Nico Nii~ and the iconic "Ganbaruby!" So if you're a fan of the series, you'll be sure to find lots of fun easter eggs and references in the game. And if you're not a fan, well, you will be soon enough! Trust me, once you start playing Love Wive Schoow Idow Festivaw, you won't be able to stop! So what awe you waiting for? Let's gooooo! UwU

Love Live Members

Muse Members

Aqours Members

Nijigasaki Members

Liella Members